Sensors and Initiating Devices

Photoelectric Sensors

Sensors analyze the volume and characteristics of airborne particles to determine the presence of a fire.


Autocall's photoelectric sensors are designed to enhance safety and minimize nuisance alarms that can disrupt occupants and lead to business downtime. Autocall's TrueAlarm technology addresses solves the issue of dirty sensors, which can contribute to increased device sensitivity and false alarms.

Key Features:

  • Drift compensation: Sensors evaluate environmental data and help compensate for contamination to maintain detector performance and increase nuisance alarm immunity.
  • Automatic sensor cleaning indication: An alert on the Autocall panel warns system operators that a sensor is dirty and requires cleaning before its maximum drift compensation level has been reached.
  • A range of seven UL-approved sensitivity levels is available, allowing each sensor to be fine-tuned to its protected environment, reaching as low as 0.2%. Our sensors have one of the widest ranges of sensitivity levels in the industry, resulting in significant variations in response times.
  • Customizable day/night functionality: TrueAlert sensor operation can be programmed to automatically adapt to the time of day, refining protection and aiding in the mitigation of false alarms.
  • Peak value logging: Obtain a historical record of proximity to the alarm threshold for each sensor, enabling precise configuration of your system for optimal sensitivity without causing unnecessary nuisance alarms.