Sensors and Initiating Devices

Sounder Bases

Designed to meet NFPA low-frequency signaling requirements for unattended sleeping areas.


Designed to meet NFPA's low-frequency signaling requirements for unattended sleeping areas, the Autocall TrueAlarm 520Hz Sounder Base is the ultimate choice for hospitality, education, and multi-occupancy residential settings. It offers a cost-effective solution to bring existing Autocall systems into NFPA compliance with minimal disruption.

Key Features:

  • Generates 520Hz and broadband tones.
  • Contemporary, sleek, shallow, and asymmetrical design that seamlessly integrates with the surroundings.
  • Available both with and without integrated CO sensor.
  • Similar installation, configuration, and programming as other Autocall units.
  • Perfect for retrofitting: The 520Hz Sounder Base can replace existing Autocall sensor bases, allowing for reuse of both the current sensors and wiring, reducing costs and minimal disruption.
  • Compatible with Autocall 4100ES, 4010ES, and 4007ES control panels.